Sunday, June 12, 2011

BML - Baby Mad Lib

Pregnancy Journey

I remember the day I found out I was pregnant. I looked down at the slippery pregnancy test and it said, "vagina." I knew the next 17 months would be an adventure.

In the weeks to come the toilet became my hairy friend. We spent many hours together as Twilight sickness hit me with full force.

Then the cravings came. Sausage smothered with beef stick was one thing I had to have every day. As I got farther along my belly boinked farther that I ever imagined possible. And I got those ruff comments from people in the grocery store as well as those who wanted to touch my belly.

Now that I feel as large as a cougar I know my time to deliver must be soon. Pregnancy is hard work (but worth every second).

The New Baby

The day I came home from the hospital was wonderful. I had a sweaty baby to look at and cuddle.

I had only been home 69 minutes before the baby needed a diaper change. When I took the taint off, it was cocky. "Shazam!" I shouted. I held my nose and hurried to get a new diaper.

Just then my epidural started crying. I fed her a bottle, rocked her and putridly got her to sleep. I knew that the next 6.5 to twizillion years would be challenging but so rewarding.

Congratulations Jessica, Chris and baby M.A.R.*

 *My After Renesmo as titled by Jessica

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