Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Renesmo is here

As of 8:30pm EST Wednesday night 8-10-11, Jess tweeted that Renesmo is here and she is perfection. There are no further details yet but I am sure as soon as they all rest and enjoy meeting each other, we will receive more information.

Congratulations Jessica and Chris!
Welcome to the world Baby Renesmo!

Your Twitarded Aunties


Twired Jen said...

Yahoo! Welcome to the world beautiful baby girl! You have a ton of Twi-Aunties that love and adore you without even having met you.

Much love to the new parents!

xoxo J

My After Car said...

Thank you guys! Just saw this. I'm a bit behind on blogs and whatnot. Renesmo is a great baby but man is she time-consuming! :)